In case you were not able to attend the party for yourself, here is a re-cap: A beautiful Colorado evening, Oxford Hotel in LoDo, mashed potato martini bar, carrot cake, pineapple cake and marble with fruit filling. Green, classic dress, flying flowers, white hats, dancing, lots of dancing, laughter, champagne, tears, colorful, fun and F-A-M-I-L-Y.
Parish and I enjoyed the wedding and being surrounded by dear friends and family. Parish's amazing grandmother was there, we were so glad she was able to be part of our day. P's parents flew in from Arkansas and most of his immediate family were present. Both of my parents walked me down the aisle. It was a very special moment. Later on, my mom and dad both cut some serious rug. I will never forget my dad's skinny little arms waving around and dancing.
Most of my aunts were able to come from Colorado Springs, Kansas, Arizona and Wisconsin. My cousin Sarah that I grew up with surprised me and flew in from Florida. As well as a surprise visit from my cousin and her family from Kansas. My good friend Willy from N.Ireland won the farthest distance contest. He gave a toast that made me weep. We were surrounded by everyone that knew and loved us.
After the wedding, we set out to walk around the city. Wedding dress and tux. It was so fun seeing everyone's faces and just walking together, married in D-town. The next morning we ordered room service and enjoyed breakfast in our bath robes. It was a very long road and if I had the choice to take it again or take an easier route, I would roll up my sleaves and say, "Bring it on!"