Thursday, March 18, 2010

Domestic Diva in training

My mom’s generation had Betty Crocker and Julia Child for culinary guidance. I have Martha Stewart and Rachel Ray. I can’t afford to make the kind of food Martha does and Rachel, for some reason, really annoys me. Therefore, I’m left alone in my small kitchen to sort out recipes, measurements and find my inner domestic diva. Yikes!
Usually, I consider cooking making a grilled cheese sandwich or scrambled eggs. But, let’s be honest, even a cave man could make those things. Sorry, to my cave men readers, but you know it’s true.
Even though I lack in the cooking guru department, I thought I would try my best to prepare some homemade meals this past weekend. I chose to make a bacon and spinach quiche and lasagna. Parish’s dad, God love him, supplies us with farm fresh eggs by the 18-pack. Which is the main reason I decided to make a quiche, we have over 40 eggs in our fridge and Easter is a month away. I lugged out my cookbook, dusted it off and found a recipe for “quick quiche.” Perfect!
Although eggs are the main ingredient for the popular breakfast dish, I had to drop by the supermarket and get bacon, spinach and hash browns for the crust. You can use a pie crust, but I’m not a fan. I prefer to make a crust using hash browns – it makes the quiche less heavy and I think, a little healthier.
I find fresh baby spinach on sale and after a 12-minute search, semi-lean bacon. While at Kroger’s, I pick up the ingredients for lasagna-ground turkey, two jars of spaghetti sauce, cottage cheese and a box of wide, flat noodles. For the first time, in a long time, I was actually excited about cooking. Parish should have taken a picture, because my domesticity comes in waves – the kind of waves that are very few and far between.
I successfully chopped my spinach and bacon, then gingerly added the ingredients to my whisked eggs. Before that step, I baked the hash browns in a pie dish. I finally set my precious little egg dish in the oven. Less than an hour later, I pulled the quiche out and did a knife check in the middle to make sure it was completely cooked. The knife came out clean and I smiled. Parish had the first bite and said it was great. I smiled again. I rewarded myself with a nap.
After getting my beauty rest, I walked straight to the kitchen and prepared the lasagna. Again, I followed the recipe, well most of the recipe. In the past, I’ve never cooked the noodles first. This method has always worked for me, so I made layers with the uncooked noodles, sauce, cottage cheese and repeated this step until the dish was full. My creation had all the signs of a good meal; it looked and smelled so good. Well, looks can be deceiving, when I took the dish out, some of the noodles were not cooked all the way through. I was very upset! I put the lasagna back into the oven for an additional 20 minutes. In the end, we did eat it, but there were some noodles we couldn’t fight our way through. My lovely husband put his arm around me and said, “You know I didn’t marry you for your cooking skills, right?” Thanks.
Obviously, this domestic diva in training still has a lot to learn.

Kick ball in the dirty

I had never heard of a kickball association until I moved here. Of course, the game was a hoot when I was in grade school, but when I found out that there was a league for grownups I couldn’t believe it. Further investigation revealed four different leagues of competition within the association. First, there is a laid back league which is just about having fun and playing kickball. Then there is the novice league, which is one step up from laid back. Next in line are the intermediate league and finally, the competitive league. Fellow employee, Misty Brown, AKA “The Gadget Girl” is a kick ball player. She currently plays in the novice league. We were talking about the game recently and she asked if I was interested in playing. I froze. Me - play kick ball? My mind traveled back to 1992, when I was 10-years old playing in grade school.

I could hear the shouts from my friends, feel the perspiration gather on my forehead as I approached the kicking mound. I remembered the whoosh of the ball as it traveled my way and the thump of my foot making contact. The ball rolled a whole five feet and I sprinted like the dickens. Within seconds I was whacked with the ball – out.

Misty asked again, “So, do you want to play?” Since it had only been 17 years since I last played, I hesitated and finally said, “Yes.”

After giving my verbal confirmation, it was too late to back out. I was going to join the world famous Little Rock Kick Ball Association. The following day Misty gave me a waiver to fill out, which certified that I was healthy enough to play and was capable of taking myself to the ER if I broke my leg. Additionally, Misty than told me I needed to come up with a fun name for my jersey. She said I could also use my last name, but I wanted my fans to be cheering something crazy and silly when I came into home plate. I told Misty I had to think about it and would get back to her.

Over the weekend I came up with ‘Bizzie B.’ For most of my life, I’ve gone by Becky, so that is where the ‘B’ part comes from. I also don’t like to sit still for too long and like to keep busy. Do you see where I am going with this? Well, the more I thought about this name, the more I liked it. Then I watched that commercial with the famous quote from Muhammad Ali, “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” That is exactly what I am going to do on the kick ball field – ‘Bizzie B’ is here to send the ball soaring into the air and sting the home plate!

Unfortunately, my confidence waned when I went to practice. Kicking a big, red bouncy ball was not quite as easy as I recalled. Most of the people had played before and were strategizing about how and where to kick it. I was just happy to make contact with the ball.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My side gig

In addition to writing for The Daily Record, I also freelance for Women's Inc. Here is my latest article:
Thanks for reading.

Happy (belated) New Year

Y'all, I cannot believe that I haven't updated my blog in FOR-EV-VERR. It's not because nothing cool has been going. No, it's quite the opposite. I've been one busy lady. Work is going well and keeps me hopping from story lead to another. I'm taking pictures and writing stories and everything in between.

Since it's technically not the new year anymore, I will keep this update brief. I guess one of my resolutions should have been to devote more time to my blog. :( The leaf is turned over and I will be better.

I'm attaching a photo I took of a lion drinking milk at the zoo. Can you tell I don't have kids? Ha.