Last week, I was filling Miss Pearl and glanced up at the billboard. Being in the media industry, I try to read everything and that includes billboards. This particular bigger-than-life advertising had information about a 5K mud run. It's exactly what it sounds like. You run for 3.1 miles and then there is a HUGE mud bath at the end. Count me in!

I casually mentioned this to Becca, a girl in my book club. Immediately she said, "Let's do it." Then I mentioned it to my other friend Brooke and she started training for it before I could finish my sentence. So, it looks like I will be competing in my first race in exactly one month. I have 30 days to train. Thankfully, I'm somewhat fit (I think) and I enjoy exercising. Brooke and I are taking a strength and conditioning class at a uni twice a week. We have decided to start training, no time like the present, ya know?!
Tonight is our first trial jog. I will keep this blog updated and let you know how it goes. If you have any 5K pointers, let me know.