I actually took the title of this blog from a church marquee in Conway. As a journalist, I like to give credit where credit is due and always, always cite my sources. With that said, I want to wish everyone an (early) Happy Thanksgiving. I know the holiday is still a little while away, but if the pace of life continues like has been, I need to this early.
There is not a lot of new elements to report on. We are doing well, staying busy with work and life in Arkansas. We are planning on making our annual trek to Colorado for Christmas this year. I know...we are crazy! Hopefully this time will be better, we have TomTom (GPS navigation). I almost got out of the truck in Oklahoma last year. Ruth will also be joining us this year, so now I have a witness if I strangle Parish. Darn.
Thanksgiving will be spent with P's parents, who cook like Thanksgiving every Sunday. I'm planning on wearing sweats to the dinner table. No joke! Brock and his family will be coming from Denver. It will be nice to see the whole lot of them. I'm planning on bringing something, I'm just not sure what. Parish said it was fine if I just brought some wine. Umm...no. I'm not going to your mom's with some bottles of wine. I guess it's a woman's pride thing. Ruth is an AMAZING cook, so I'm not just going to waltz in there with liquor.
I will let y'all know what I bring to the table and how it goes. Just a little check-in to say all is well with the Brockmans. If you live in Colorado, you know where to find me.