Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Unofficial honeymoon

Driving a Budget truck with a '95 Ford Taurus in tow is not my idea of a honeymoon. It's not Parish's idea either. But, at the time, the wedding and the move had to happen close together. And looking back at it, it made sense not to go on a honeymoon right after the wedding. We were exhausted. We would have slept on the beach the whole time if we would have jetted out on June 16. But, as our one-year (June 15) is approaching, I think it's time for a honeymoon.

I've talked to some couples and they tell me they didn't take a honeymoon either, but there planning on it. She was telling me this as her little boy was smashing a cupcake in his face. Okay, so I made up the kid part of the story, but really, I want to take a honeymoon BEFORE kids. That's the whole idea. And although we aren't planning on having kids for at least 15 more years, I want to enjoy the beach and nightlife while I'm still young and silly. I know a part of me will always be young and silly, but there will be parts of me that won't look good in a swim suit!

Parish and I have not been on a "real" trip together since we've been married. He has also never been out of the country. I have been blessed with many miles of oversea travels. It's time for P to cross a sea, or at least get a passport and for us to enjoy a trip as a married couple! Is that too much to ask? I don't think so. But now the planning part is getting tricky. Finding a reasonable, nice place is a daunting task. I've read numerous reviews and visited countless Web sites. I have found a travel agent in Conway, because I would like to talk to a real person and make sure the hotel we book is actually ON the beach. When I went to Cozumel with my best friend Lacey in college, the travel agent forgot to tell us that our hotel wasn't on an actual sandy beach. Instead, there was a man-made beach and you had to climb down a sketchy ladder to get to the ocean water. Totally bootleg.

We are hoping to go before the end of the year. We are in the process of getting our passports and bodies in beach-shape. I will keep y'all posted. You will definitely know when a honeymoon vacation is booked. You will hear a "Whoo-hoo!" from the southwestern part of the country.

1 comment:

Brie said...

Sounds like a great plan! My hubby and I are actually doing the same thing. We've both always wanted to go to the Cook Islands, and we knew we wouldn't have money to do that right after paying for a wedding, plus he was up for election a month do the day after we got married, so we're going a few months after our one year anniversary.

A lot of people who I spoke with also recommended doing it that way. This way you know your spouse better, you're not exhausted from the festivites, and you can actually enjoy your time.

Anxious to find out where you're going!!