What do you get for someone turning 1-years old? That was the topic of conversation and shopping adventures recently. My nephew, J, turned one on Sept. 20. The first birthday is a special occasion and must be celebrated. It must be said, I’m simply in love with this little guy.
Parish and I saw him when he was only about an hour old. We were the first ones at the hospital and stayed with my SIL (sister-in-law) as she recovered from the c-section. Twelve months later, our little guy is growing and developing on schedule. Since he had such a tough go at the beginning, this birthday is indeed a milestone.
We went to a family birthday celebration on Sunday and spoiled our little nephew. In order for the spoiling to take place, we had to go shopping to find the perfect gift. Which brings me back to the question I asked at the beginning of my column – what do you get someone who is turning 12 months old? We visited a couple retailers, although Target seemed to have the best selection of age-appropriate toys.
Parish and I perused up and down all of the toy aisles – every, single one. We wandered around hopelessly until we located the protruding signs that read 3 to 6 years old, 1 to 2 years old, 12 to 48 months and the aisle we needed: 6 to 12 months. That aisle turned out to be very entertaining. Most of the toys had lights and sound features with fun buttons and knobs. I think I played with every toy from an eating bird to a steering wheel that sang the ABCs. The toys were educational, but after pushing the umpteenth button, grew annoying. I thought of my SIL. What if my nephew really liked this toy and played with all day? His momma would go mad! I almost did and I only had to put up with it for 10 minutes. Parish and I looked at each other and after some discussion, decided to get her a gift card instead. I’m usually anti-gift card when it comes to giving them, especially for family members. But in this case, it made the most sense.
Now my SIL can get him an outfit, or maybe some diapers. Now she can discover the crazy aisle of baby toys and decide, firsthand, how insane she wants to go. In addition to the gift card, we found the cutest Razorback bibs. One is white with a bright red hog and the second is the same colors, reversed. He is going to look so cute wearing those little bibs as he slurps on his squash.
Celebrating his first birthday with family made me realize that it’s not the amount you spend or the flashiest toy, it’s about being together and honoring this little soul’s life.
I’m looking forward to a lot more birthday parties with this kid. I think it will be easier to find a gift for him next year. I did notice a shiny drum set while were shopping…maybe I will get him that for his 10th or 30th birthday. I have a good relationship with his mom; I don’t want it to hit a sour note.
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