Technology came to the Brockman residence recently and we haven’t been the same since. Let me explain – the apartments we live at told us we had to change our Internet and cable providers to AT&T. It wasn’t a suggestion either - it was mandatory and enforced. At the time, we were using Comcast and for the record, were very happy with the service. Nonetheless, since a main source of entertainment is from the TV and Internet, we joined the herd and called AT&T.
Our cable guy showed up at our front door in the time slot he promised and after looking for the right wires for over 30 minutes, hooked us up. For some reason, he gave us wireless Internet, which is something we should’ve done years ago. Thanks to the handy cable guy, I can take the laptop anywhere within the 990 square feet of my living quarters. It is so awesome. I know wireless is not cutting edge anymore and even Taco Bell has WiFi, but it just floats my boat to Google from my kitchen table or bathtub.
In addition to the Internet, we also upgraded our cable and are able to record shows. Again, I know TiVo and DVRs have been around a while, but let me enjoy the coolness of it for a moment. We can record up to four shows at one time while watching another show or when the TV is off. Then we can watch the show or movie and fast-forward through the commercials. I think that is one of the best parts – skipping the stupid commercials. I know they aren’t all dumb, but I’ve seen enough Proactive and Cialis ads to last me a few decades.
Being able to record is great, especially for my husband who usually has about 10 shows he is following at one time. He really likes the DIY (Do it Yourself) Network and HGTV. One day he wants to renovate and sell houses, so right now he is educating himself by watching hours of shows on these two networks. I’m not complaining by any means, I understand there could be a lot less other things he could be in to. I’m glad he doesn’t shy away from hard work, nail guns or dilapidated duplexes. He is so fired up about remodeling a house one day and I know when that day comes, he will do amazing work.
I prefer to record shows like “Intervention,” “Weird Addictions: I eat chalk” and “The Bachelor.” Please don’t judge me – I need a mindless outlet after writing award-winning material all day.
The downside of all these high-tech additions is ripping yourself away from them to have an actual conversation with the person you are living with. On a recent Sunday afternoon, one of us was either on the computer, watching a show or recording something to watch later in the day. When it came time for lunch and dinner - we muted the TV, stopped surfing and listened to one another.
Eventually the newness of the wireless laptop will fade and Parish will get his fill of remodeled spaces and Brad will choose a wife. When all of that does happen, we will have one another and something money can’t buy – laughing and mentally recording more memories.
How you lived without streaming TV is a miracle!
Too funny! You can never go back now. I don't know what we did before we had a DVR. For the record, Kyle makes fun of me for watching Intervention and such shows- but I love mindless TV!
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